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How to contact your representatives

Submitting testimony to elected officials is a powerful part of our advocacy work. Hearing the stories and personal narratives of educators is an important component of moving elected officials to take action on the issues educators care about.

You don’t have to be an expert! The most effective testimony is concise, specific, and personal: 

  • it should fit on one single-spaced page
  • clearly identify your support for or opposition to the bill in question
  • make an emotional impact

An emotional story will “stick” with your audience more effectively than just the dry facts and figures.

Testemony Templates

 The purpose of the county board is to:

  1. Raise the level of academic achievement of the students in the Prince George’s County public school system; and
  2. Raise the level of engagement of the parents, students, and community as a whole.

All legislative powers of Prince George’s County, Maryland, are vested in the Prince George’s County Council. In addition, the County Council sits as the District Council on zoning matters and land use policy, and as the Board of Health to govern and guide health policy.​

The Maryland State Board sets the educational policy and standards for pre-k-12th grade, vocational rehabilitation services, passes regulations, and is empowered to interpret the law. The State Board also appoints the State Superintendent of Schools.

The Maryland General Assembly is the state legislature of the U.S. state of Maryland. The General Assembly meets each year starting in January for 90 days to act on more than 2,300 bills including the state’s annual budget. Education bills are typically sent to the House Ways and Means and the Senate Education, Energy, and the Environment Committees.

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