Blueprint Updates


The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future was passed by the Maryland General Assembly in 2021 to transform public education in the state into a world-class education system. The Blueprint will increase education funding by $3.8 billion each year over the next 10 years, enrich student experiences and accelerate student outcomes, as well as improve the quality of education for all children in Maryland, especially those who have been historically underserved.

The Blueprint for PGCPS

PGCEA has worked with PGCPS along with representatives from colleges, universities, advocacy groups, private childcare providers, PGCPS’ Board of Education, other unions, students, staff, and community organizations in the development of the PGCPS Blueprint Implementation Plan to set goals through the 2023-24 school year based on four priorities: 

  • improve early childhood education
  • hire and retain high-quality and diverse teachers
  • upgrade college and career readiness standards
  • provide more resources for students in need


Recent Announcements

RSS Maryland State Department of Education
  • MSDE Recommends Increase in Child Care Scholarship Provider Reimbursement Rates February 11, 2025
    The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) is recommending increased reimbursement rates for the majority of Child Care Scholarship program providers under the 2024 Market Rate Survey (MRS) and Narrow Cost Analysis (NCA) released today. Once implemented on September 1, reimbursement rates will rise or remain stable for most providers across regions.
  • 14 Schools Honored for Gifted and Talented Programs February 6, 2025
    Gifted and Talented Education Month kicked off in Maryland with Excellence in Gifted and Talented Education (EGATE) awards for 14 schools. 
  • Applications Open for Summer Meal Sites February 3, 2025
    The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) is seeking public and private nonprofit organizations to participate in SUN Meals, formerly the Summer Food Service Program.
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