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Nominations, Elections and Credentials Commission (NECC)

PGCEA’s governance structure is similar to the state (MSEA) and national (NEA) affiliates. Each organization conducts its own election. The PGCEA Nominations, Elections and Credentials Commission (NECC) holds general elections annually in which the members choose their board officers, directors, delegates and union policies. Anyone running for an Officer or Delegate position must be considered a member in Good Standing, which means a member must be up to date on all dues obligations and free of debt to the Association.

NECC Duties And Responsibilities:

  1. Plan and conduct elections.
  2. Certify attendance at Representative Council meetings.


See PGCEA BylawsPolicy Handbook and Fair Campaign Practice Code for details. As of August 2025 The Fair Campaign Practice Code is being updated by the NECC. When complete, the updated document will be posted and take effect immediately.

The PGCEA Bylaws are the governing documents of the Association. They may only be changed once a year by a super majority of 66% of those casting a ballot.

Board Of Directors (BOD) is composed of three elected officers (president, vice president, and treasurer) plus eight at-large members. The board is responsible for the fiscal affairs and general management of the Association, the interpretation of policies, the preparation of the proposed budget, and much more. The PGCEA Board of Directors sets the course for PGCEA and decides how to use its staff and resources.

Qualifications for officers:  In order for a member to be an elected officer of the Association, such a member must have been a regular member of said Association for a minimum of three (3) consecutive years immediately preceding the election and be in good standing with the Association. The member shall be a tenured professional on a continuing contract with the Board of Education and in the PGCEA bargaining unit.

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PGCEA, MSEA, and NEA collectively advocate for educators employed by the public school system. They are the educators’ protectors in employment-related matters, wage and benefits watchdogs, and organizers who fight for fair funding. PGCEA is one of the top twenty largest locals in the country and the second largest in Maryland. Unified PGCEA members have a powerful voice throughout the organization.  This begins with members choosing colleagues to govern and represent the interests of the union at the county, state, and national levels.

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