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About Us

Prince George’s County Educators’ Association (PGCEA) is an advocacy organization that actively represents classroom educators and other instructional personnel to negotiate over wages, terms and conditions of employment. PGCEA supports quality schools through its bargaining efforts to retain and attract teachers of excellence and promote opportunities for ALL students to learn.

PGCEA works when you and your colleagues get involved. Our effectiveness as a democratic organization grows as our members’ involvement increases and there are several resources to do just that!

Who We Are

MISSION: The Prince Georges’ County Educators’ Association amplifies educator voices to promote a brighter future for educators, students, and the community we serve.
VISION: The Prince George’s County Educators’ Association is the catalyst for transformative innovation in Prince George’s County Public Schools.

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Board of Directors

The PGCEA Board of Directors is made up of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, and eight directors. All are elected at-large, by the membership. The Board of Directors prepares the budget, formulates priorities and goals, and develops programs and activities. However, PGCEA policy is set up by the Rep Council. PGCEA’s President receives a paid leave of absence, allowing them to direct the organization full time. We also have a staff of six professionals and six support personnel.

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Rep Council

The Association Representative (Rep Council) is the elected body of association representatives that meet monthly to discuss issues and make policy. Any PGCEA member may attend these meetings, which are held on the fourth Monday of each month.

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Faculty Advisory Council

The Faculty Advisory Council (FAC) provides teachers with a vehicle to discuss school operating procedures, scheduling meetings, instructional programs, budget requests, and any other areas of professional concern. The FAC consists of the Head PGCEA Faculty Representative who acts as the chair and a group of unit members elected by the faculty at the rate of one for every ten unit members or portion thereof. There should be no fewer than five members of the FAC.

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PGCEA is affiliated with the Maryland State Education Association (MSEA) and the National Education Association (NEA). Their structures are similar to PGCEA, except for their equivalent of PGCEA Representative Council meetings are held annually. PGCEA members are elected by their colleagues each year to attend these decision-making conventions.

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Executive Director

The day-to-day operations of PGCEA are carried out by an Executive Director appointed by the Board of Directors. This Executive is assisted by a staff appointed by the Executive Director with the Board of Directors’ advice and consent. The current staff consists of an elected President, the Executive Director, a Director of Administration, an Executive Administrative Assistant, an Accountant, an Administrative Assistant, a Sick Leave Bank Coordinator, a PGCEA UniServ Director, four MSEA UniServ Directors, 1 MSEA Client Support Representative and Maintenance Manager.

Board of Directors

The PGCEA Board of Directors is made up of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, and eight directors elected at-large, by the membership. The Board of Directors prepares the budget, formulates priorities and goals, and develops programs and activities. PGCEA’s President receives a paid leave of absence, allowing them to direct the organization full time.

Rep Council

The Association Representative Council (Rep Council) is the elected body of association representatives that meet monthly to discuss workplace issues and set PGCEA policy. Any PGCEA member may attend these meetings, held on the fourth Monday of each month.

Faculty Advisory Council

The Faculty Advisory Council (FAC) provides teachers with a vehicle to discuss school operating procedures, scheduling meetings, instructional programs, budget requests, and any other areas of professional concern. The FAC consists of the Head PGCEA Faculty Representative, who acts as the chair, as well as a group of unit members elected by the faculty at the rate of one for every ten unit members or portion thereof. There should be no fewer than five members of the FAC.


PGCEA is affiliated with the Maryland State Education Association (MSEA) and the National Education Association (NEA). Their structure is similar to PGCEA, and they hold an annual convention, which is the equivalent to our PGCEA Representative Council meetings. PGCEA members are elected by their colleagues each year to attend these decision-making conventions.

Executive Director

The day-to-day operations of PGCEA are carried out by an Executive Director appointed by the Board of Directors. This Executive is assisted by a staff appointed by the Executive Director with the Board of Directors’ advice and consent. View the current PGCEA Staff Directory.

Community Schools

A community school is a community hub — both a place and a set of partnerships between the school and other community resources. Its integrated focus on academics, health and social services, youth and community development, and community engagement leads to improved student learning, stronger families and healthier communities.

Community schools offer a personalized curriculum that emphasizes real-world learning and community problem-solving. Schools become centers of the community and are open to everyone — all day, every day, evenings and weekends.


PGCEA Board of Directors


Dr. Donna L. Christy headshot


Dr. Donna L. Christy

2024-2027 term

Vice President

Annett Jones​

2024-2027 term

Philimena Owona headshot


Philimena Owona

2023-2026 term

Member at Large

Michele Clarke

2024-2026 term

Member at Large

Theresa Dudley

2024-2026 term

Member At Large

Brian Glover

2024-2026 term

Member At Large

Sunta Harris

2023-2025 term

Member at Large

J'Shaun Johnson

2023-2025 term

Felixberto Lazaro Headshot

Member at Large

Felixberto Lazaro

2024-2026 term

Member at Large

Justin Robinson

2023-2025 term

Member At Large

Dr. Suzanne Windsor

2023-2025 term

Member Committees

We offer standing committees to assist in performing the duties and activities required.

These committees operate per the Association Bylaws. The Association’s President appoints the chairperson of each of these committees and provides them their goals and charges for the ensuing year.

You are welcome to join any of our standing committees.

The Budget Committee, in consultation with officers and staff, is responsible for preparing a PGCEA budget proposal for each fiscal year. The Committee Chair is Donna Christy.

Duties And Responsibilities

  1. Prepare within required timelines and in consultation with officers and staff a PGCEA budget proposal for the fiscal year.
  2. Assist committee chairs in developing budget proposals that will reflect program needs for the school year.

The Bylaws Committee is responsible for recommending revisions to the Bylaws for adoption by the Rep Council.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Review Bylaws and, if necessary, recommend needed changes.
  2. Monitor how Bylaws are used.

Our Contract Enforcement Committee provides professional development activities to members to support building level enforcement of the Negotiated Agreement. These may include: knowing the contract, how to push back against abuse, educator-administrator collaboration, and the grievance process.

Duties And Responsibilities

  1. Review grievances and make recommendations to the Board of Directors.
  2. Develop a plan to address retaliation, harassment, and bullying by administrators.
  3. Develop/propose contract and/or policy language as needed to close loopholes and strengthen PGCEA’s ability to grieve member concerns.

The Government Relations & Political Action Committee focuses on lobbying the school board, county council and State legislature; interviewing, endorsing and supporting candidates; educating members about issues; and raising funds to be used for political goals of the profession and PGCEA.

Duties And Responsibilities

  1. Find a minimum of five (5) new members.
  2. Lobby in Annapolis in conjunction with State Legislature.
  3. Set up sessions with Board of Education members, members of Legislature, and County Council.
  4. Keep voting records of elected bodies.
  5. Serve as members of MSTA Legislative Contact Team.
  6. Work with Association Leadership in implementing strategies to pursue legislative agenda.
  7. Organize rallies and other demonstrations as required to ensure funding of contract and passage of legislative agenda.

PGCEA G.R. Committee members enjoy lobbying, raising teacher issues and communicating often with local, state and federal level elected officials. Join the committee and become an Association activist!

The Membership Committee is responsible for establishing goals to recruit and maintain members in PGCEA.

Duties And Responsibilities

  1. Develop a full-year action plan to recruit members; submit a plan to Board of Directors.
  2. Target middle and high schools and develop a plan for each to increase membership.
  3. Plan opening activities for new teachers and at least one follow-up activity.
  4. Promote new programs for members.
  5. Develop plans to recruit Representation Fee Payers.

The Professional Development and Leadership Committee is responsible for collaborating with PGCEA leaders to develop and carry out a strategic professional development plan for all educators.

Duties And Responsibilities

  1. Implement Read Across America and Radical Readers Programs.
  2. Develop and/or implement a leadership development program such as SPARKS, Emerging Leaders Academy, or Early Leader Institute that generates a yearly continuum of strategic Association leadership development opportunities for all educators.
  3. Plan and implement a Leadership Conference.
  4. Research and propose modifications to the educator and teacher performance and evaluation programs.

The Nominations, Elections, and Credentials Commission is responsible for conducting all elections, certifying attendance at Rep Council, and ratification of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. The Commission proposes the Standard Election Procedures for adoption by the Board of Directors. The Committee Chair is Lenora Scott.

The Public Relations Committee’s objectives are to develop and maintain a positive external and internal public relations programs for PGCEA that reflect the Association’s mission and values. If you are interested in joining the Public Relations Committee, please click here.

Duties And Responsibilities

  1. Oversee and plan for American Education Week.
  2. Promote National Teacher Day.
  3. Develop PSAs and pro-association ads for broadcast and print news media.
  4. Highlight teachers in Association publications.
  5. Promote activities of Association and its committees.
  6. Promote pro-public schools activities.
  7. Develop and implement, in consultation with officers and staff, methods of promoting positive image with community at large and business.
  8. Work with President and Executive Director regarding press releases and news conferences.

The Racial and Social Justice Committee will evaluate current school system policies on discipline and will train members on restorative practices.

Restorative Practices Training

Ensuring Safe, Welcoming, and Bias-free Schools

  • Resources for educators, students, and families to counter hateful rhetoric and foster positive dialogue.

The Sick Leave Bank Committee is responsible for reviewing and approving Sick Leave Bank requests, recommending disability retirement, and recommending Sick Leave policy and rules changes.

The Social Committee promotes social activities to engage members in PGCEA.

Duties And Responsibilities

  1. Promote social activities.
  2. Bring new people into the organization through the use of social activities.
  3. Plan end of year Association Representative party with staff.
  4. Plan, coordinate, and conduct such activities as Fall Crabfest, ski trip, volleyball games, softball games, basketball games, and trips.

The Special Education Committee is charged with reviewing and training current issues in Special Education and sharing best practices with membership.

Duties And Responsibilities

  1. Bring forward and propose solutions to concerns regarding the implementation of IDEIA 2004, ADA, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
  2. Identify current and future privatization of special education and student/related services to develop and implement strategy to protect member positions.
  3. Establish and maintain collaborative relationships with PGCPS administrators in the departments of special education and student services.
  4. Organize and lobby around policies, working conditions, work loads, and inequities for the provision of best practices in special education and student services.
  5. Advocate for best practices in the provision of early intervention services, response to intervention, and evidence based programs.


Community Partnerships + Coalitions

The Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools (AROS) is an unprecedented alliance of parent, youth, community, and labor organizations that together represent over 7 million people nationwide. We are fighting to reclaim the promise of public education as our nation’s gateway to a strong democracy and racial and economic justice.

Staff Directory

Yahnae Easton

Executive Director

D. Ray

Assistant Executive Director

Melissa Robinson

Office Manager

Gary Brennan (MSEA)

UniServ Director

Fabricio Rodriguez (MSEA)

UniServ Director

Brian O'Neale (MSEA)

UniServ Director

Mark Mench (MSEA)

UniServ Director

Stephanie Walters (MSEA)

UniServ Director

Devin Nixon (PGCEA)

UniServ Director

Jon Gerson (PGCEA)

UniServ Director

Dominique Lee (PGCEA)

Program Specialist & Organizer

Lauren Tallman

Administrative Receptionist

Amanda Jennings

Communication and Political Specialist

Accounting Department


Sick Leave Bank

Sick Leave Bank

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