Association Representatives

Association Representatives are elected by the dues paying members of PGCEA. Each worksite is entitled to one (1) representative for every twenty-five (25) members or fraction thereof. (For example, if your site has twenty-six (26) members the site is entitled to two (2) representatives.)

If your school has more than one Association Representative, a head Association Representative shall be chosen by the elected Association Representatives. The head Association Representative also serves on their worksite’s Faculty Advisory Council (FAC).

The Representative Council is the governing body of PGCEA and composed of the Board of Directors and Association Representatives from each worksite. The Representative Council is the key decision-maker and policy setting body of PGCEA. They represent the interests of the members of their worksite at the monthly PGCEA Representative Council meetings.

24 Feb

Rep Council Meetings

The regular meeting of the Representative Council occurs traditionally on the fourth Monday of the month. If schools are closed due to an emergency, the meeting is postponed for forty-eight (48) hours. The regular meeting will begin at 4:45 P.M. and end by 6:45 P.M.

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