Each year the FAC must be elected and meet for the first time.
- Elect Association Representatives from PGCEA dues paying members
- The head Association Representative serves on the FAC (other ARs may run for the FAC)
- All Unit 1 members can vote for and serve on the FAC
At the first meeting the FAC shall:
- elect a chair and secretary
- establish a methodology for the committee to operate
- schedule future meetings
The NECC is available to help with elections if needed and your UniServ Director is available to assist in the start up and operation of the FAC.
The Chair-person has the responsibility for the overall operation and control of the FAC. Specific duties should include:
- Chairing each meeting and maintaining proper order
- Receiving items to be placed on the Agenda
- Giving proper voice of each meeting
- Establishing and maintaining an open working relationship with the principal
- Keeping unit members informed about FAC actions
- Work cooperatively with PGCEA in resolving problems
The specific duties of the secretary are as follows:
- Distributing agendas to all unit members
- Keeping an accurate record of all FAC meetings
- Distributing minutes to all unit members
- Sending a copy of the FAC roster to PGCEA.
The role of a member of the FAC is:
- To discuss and vote on all items brought before the FAC
- To be supportive of decisions made by the FAC
The Principal is no longer a member of the FAC. However, in order for the FAC to be successful, open communication between the FAC and the principal is essential.
These procedures should be employed to ensure a smooth meeting:
- Topics of discussion should always be brought to a vote.
- Even if the administration is in apparent disagreement with a particular topic the matter should be fully discussed by the FAC.
- Topics should never be discarded by the FAC.
- Place your concern in writing to the principal and demand that a formal written response be provided in return.
- Communication with the members is the key. It is important that the administration know that the faculty will be kept apprise of decisions rendered.
- Any action on recommendations should be reported on the agenda of the subsequent meeting and the principal will inform the FAC of the rationale for the action (or inaction).
The FAC should be viewed by the administrators and teachers alike as a creative opportunity to foster teacher involvement and to solve problems in a constructive fashion.
- The FAC should select a chair-person who is respected both by the teachers at the school and the school administration.
- The FAC should be open and make a concerted effort to ascertain the needs of the teachers. There are several techniques which can be used to obtain this goal.
- Surveys
- Questionnaires
- Building Meetings
- Department Meetings
- Faculty Discussion
- FAC Suggestion Box
- The FAC should prioritize issues to be discussed and ultimately submitted to the Principal.
- Prepare in advance for discussions with the principal. After scheduling the meeting in advance keep these concepts in mind.
- Often it is advantageous to have two individuals representing the FAC.
- Select one person – usually the chair – to act as spokesperson.
- Select one person – usually the second person in attendance – to act as recorder. Keep accurate and detailed writen records.
- Control presentation and use your best teaching skills in making the presentation. Show evidence of faculty support for ideas.
- Atmosphere of sessions with principal should be collegial.
- A informal, friendly atmosphere is usually the best.
- Keep on Topic.
- The goal is to foster a creative process to solve problems and represent the teachers at the school.
- View the meeting with the principal as one step in a process. If the issue is not resolved to the satisfaction of the faculty, additional steps may follow.
- Keep PGCEA and faculty aware of the entire proceedings.