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Statement on Prince George’s County Public Schools Policy Violations When Awarding Contracts

For Immediate Release: March 26, 2019

Contact: Joshua Harris [email protected]


Statement on Prince George’s County Public Schools Policy Violations When Awarding Contracts

PGCEA President Theresa Mitchell Dudley Challenges PGCPS to Put More Money in The Classroom

Prince George’s County, MD: Yesterday, Lindsay Watts of Fox 5 DC released a story about policy violations of Prince Georges County Public Schools when awarding contracts in previous years. Prince Georges County Educators Association President Theresa Mitchell Dudley released the following statement in response:


“We are thankful that Prince George’s County Public Schools’ Interim CEO Dr. Monica Goldson is working towards financial transparency and appreciate her candor on opportunities to improve accountability measures,’ explained PGCEA President Theresa Mitchell Dudley. “We are also hopeful that that PGCPS will work to responsibly redirect funds where they are needed most — in the classrooms. At PGCEA our Bargaining for the Common Good campaign reminds us that what is best for our educators is best for our students, parents, community and ultimately for our schools.”



Prince George’s County Executive Angela Alsobrooks released her proposed budget. The 2020 budget proposal includes nearly 60% of the budget being allocated towards education. The proposal has a clear focus on education reform and a significant investment in school construction projects. The budget now has to be approved by the County Council, who has the ability to make cuts. We believe it is imperative for the Council to hold the same esteem for education and our future leaders by following the lead of the County Executive. This budget proposal is also al contingent upon State Legislators fully funding the Blueprint for Education.

If you would like more information or to request an interview with PGCEA President Theresa Dudley, contact Joshua Harris (443)939.2043 [email protected]

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