PGCEA General Elections 2025

PGCEA Educator: Election Guide

PGCEA’s governance structure is similar to the state (MSEA) and national (NEA) affiliates. Each organization conducts its own election. The PGCEA Nominations, Elections and Credentials Commission (NECC) holds general elections annually in which the members choose their board of directors, delegates and union policies. On the following pages, you will find the information presented as written by the candidates for PGCEA Board of Directors-At-Large (four seats available, each serves a two-year term 2025-2027). See PGCEA By-laws, Policy Handbook and Fair Campaign Practice Code for details.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS (BOD) is composed of three elected officers (president, vice-president, and treasurer) plus eight elected at-large members.
The Board is responsible for the fiscal affairs and general management of the Association, the interpretation of policies, the preparation of the proposed budget, and much more. The PGCEA Board of Directors sets the course for PGCEA and decides how to use its staff and resources.

MSEA and NEA DELEGATES represent PGCEA’s interests at the annual state (MSEA) and national (NEA) Representative Assemblies. There are three types of delegates; two are elected in the PGCEA general election.

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